Princess in Suburbia introduces Weblog from Her Royal Chambers

My Interview with African Union Ambassador~USA

It was a privilege and a great honor to be elected to interview the African Union Ambassador to the US. My Online Inspirational Programming is giving me a platform where I am able to interview ordinary heroes making extraordinary strides in their communities. Such is the case of Her Excellency, Amina Ali, the current AU Ambassador.

This same night, I met the Mayor of Tuskegee as well as Dr. Marcus Garvey Junior. It was an unforgettable even, marking the launching of the first AU Diaspora Community in the US.
In addition, in one of the pictures, I have a friend, the Publisher of New American Times (Ms Nonye Ejiofor), An Immigrant Newspaper in Middle Tennessee where I also write on everything Mental Health as a Columnist. Ofcourse, close by is the Vice President of Adassa Adumori Foundation, Ms Yolanda Shields.

Living in Suburbia US has not stopped me from continuing in my role as the Princess of Emure Kingdom. In fact, the minute I let the cat out of the bag, so to speak, and I was re-united back with my people, I became a totally different person. I  now wear my title and all of the responsibilities which come with it with boldness and pride.... something I wasn't able to do 20 years ago!

Her Excellency Ambassador of African Union to USA interviewed by Host-Fumi, FROM SCRATCH TV:

                             Princess Fumi Hancock with Her Excellency- Ambassador Amina Ali
              Princess Fumi Hancock with Her Excellency and Yolanda Shields, VP Adassa Foundation.

              Princess Fumi with Nonye Ejiofor, Publisher The New American Times Newspaper

Princess Fumi Hancock, President of Adassa Adumori Foundation, and Host FROM SCRATCH TV, Mayor of Tuskegee, Dr Marcus Garvey Junior & Ms Yolanda Shields, Vice President, Adassa Adumori Foundation.


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