Princess in Suburbia introduces Weblog from Her Royal Chambers

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

If Wishes Were Horses.... Oprah, You Are Mine!

Hello Everyone:

After the recent spike in my intro video, I decided to release episode #2 of The Princess in Suburbia Tonight: "If Wishes Were Horses....Oprah, You are Mine..."

In this episode, The Princess in Suburbia, Fumi Hancock, author of the Amazon Teens-Horror Best Seller.... The Adventures of Jewel Cardwell: Hydra's Nest shares her New Year Resolution for 2013 (with Friend & Co-host- Yolanda Shields) and she makes no bones about it.

Oprah is right in the middle of her New Year's Resolution....Watch out for the full version of the show at FromScratch TV & "Let's Go Innovate" Website...Coming Soon.  See:

Thanks for watching. Pls do stop by my You Tube Channel ( to post your comments....

All My Love,

Fumi Hancock 


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